Programs Overview


The BTI offers comprehensive programs that prepare students for sustainable careers and entrepreneurship. Whether you're interested in business or technical fields, we have you covered.

Business Training Approach

Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential: In our business track, students are encouraged to develop innovative business plans and concepts. With a comprehensive blend of advanced training and dedicated mentoring, we pave the way for their success. Our collaborative spaces provide the fertile ground for these ideas to flourish.

Business Track Core Classes

Dive into Business Mastery: Our business track core classes dive deep into Lean Start Business Models, Entrepreneurial Mindsets, and more. These fundamental building blocks prepare students for the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Business Incubator Classes

Nurturing Entrepreneurial Dreams: After completing our core classes, graduates transition to our business incubator, where they find the resources and unwavering support needed to bring their business visions to life.

Technical Training Approach

Unlock Technical Excellence: For those inclined toward technical fields, our advanced training and internships offer a pathway to mastery.

Technical Core Classes: Skill Development at its Best: In our technical core classes, students acquire the essential skills for Career and Professional Development, Workplace Ethics, and more, enabling them to excel in their chosen field.

Technical Core Classes

Students receive comprehensive training, including Career and Professional Development and Workplace Ethics, to excel in their chosen fields.

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Program Operations

Our primary objective is to provide opportunities for advanced training, professional development, mentoring, and access to capital. We accept students from different backgrounds.

Program Participants

We have programs for both business and incubation tracks.

Partnership and Responsibility

Our success depends on the strong partnerships we've built with organizations like COTN International, African Business College/Institute, Hope Ventures, and US Partners and Investors.

Program Measurement

We regularly assess our program's impact on our students and communities, with a focus on factors like mentorship, internships, and employment rates.


Timeline and Process: We started the BTI in April 2021 and have continually evolved our programs to better serve our students. - Month-wise breakdown of the program's launch and development.
- Information about the evolution of the program over the years.

Financial Plan

- Overview of the program's financial strategy: We outline the startup costs, funding sources, and budgets for each year.
- Sources of funding: Our funding comes from COTN endowment and grants, income-based student fees, and loan repayment fees.

Success Stories

- Overview of the program's financial strategy: We outline the startup costs, funding sources, and budgets for each year.
- Sources of funding: Our funding comes from COTN endowment and grants, income-based student fees, and loan repayment fees.

Malawi Impact Measurement v3.1